1. Service level agreement – SLA
This Service level agreement (SLA) describes the Client's warranties in connection with the delivery of solutions and services from BDNORDIC ApS. The service agreement applies to all established agreements which specifically refers to this and also to the agreements described in the order confirmation or invoice from BDNORDIC.
1.1. Driftsvindue and Uptime
BDNORDIC stiller Kundens løsning eller services til rådighed alle årets dage fra kl. 00.00 til 24.00 og sørger for drift og overvågning.
1.1.1. Servicevindue
Servicevinduet describes the period in which BDNORDIC will implement updates, patches and changes to the systems so that in the event of complications will have a minimal effect on the Client's systems and services. Servicevinduet is set to between the hours of. 00.00 – 09.00 hrs on Saturdays, or by agreement with the Customer. Exceptional service
BDNORDIC can carry for as far as possible, refer all servicing (not timetabled service) of a server (systemrettelser, security, backup etc.) in the period 20.00 – 06.00 on all days of the week, without prior notice to the customer. The extent BDNORDIC considers that a service requires acute intervention pga. operational and/or security reasons, this will be done without prior notice to the customer.
In addition, and if BDNORDIC, deems that the customer's environment pose a major security risk, can BDNORDIC without notice disconnect the customer's access to the network. The customer will be notified of this via the information by the Customer in connection with the establishment of this agreement stated in its master data.
Lack of access to the system due to these conditions, as well as the time taken for preventive maintenance, are not recognised in the Downtime (section 1.1.3.). Patch Management
BDNORDIC check monthly the status of security updates. All security patches are installed. In the week that the updates are installed, the patches of secondary nodes. In the event that a server is duplicated, all nodes patches at the same time.
1.1.2. Opening hours
Åbningstiden beskriver det tidsrum, hvor BDNORDIC alt andet lige kan garantere at Kundens hostingløsninger og –services er tilgængelige. Åbningstiden er sat til mellem kl. 00.00 til 24.00 på alle ugens dage (se også Servicevinduet afsnit 1.1.1.)
1.1.3. Downtime
Downtime is the time periods, where a Customer's hosting solution or the service is unavailable despite being included in the BDNORDICs hours – a so-called business interruption. A business interruption shall be counted from the time when the BDNORDIC have received the error message (from BDNORDICs monitoring system or the Client's), and until the time when the error is fixed again. Downtime does not include:
- The customer's self-imposed driftshindringer.
- Errors or security flaws due to the applications, plugins or other software that the Customer has installed without BDNORDICs contractual consent.
- Hardware or software failure where the responsibility is borne by the manufacturer.
- External disturbances (such as a DDoS attack – Distributed Denial of Service), which BDNORDIC not have influence on, do not count in the calculation of the operating efficiency.
1.1.4. Uptime
Oppetiden defineres som den forventede oppetid på statisk operationsniveau ganget med den forventede oppetid på systemafhængigt operationsniveau. Oppetiden udregnes ud fra en BFIH-standard, ved: Oppetid =(Oppetid på statistik operationsn.) x (Oppetid på system afhængigt operationsn.)
1.1.5. Oppetidsprocent
Oppetidsprocenten er den faktiske oppetid (Oppetiden som defineret i afsnit 1.1.4. fratrukket Nedetiden som defineret i afsnit 1.1.3.) divideret med den teoretisk maksimale oppetid. Leverandøren garanterer en oppetidsprocent på 99,9 % for de af Kundens løsninger og services som driftes på Leverandørens infrastruktur, målt over en periode på 3 sammenhængende måneder. Oppetidsprocenten udregnes ud fra en BFIH-standard over en 3 måneders periode, ved: Oppetids% = (Oppetid-Nedetid) / Oppetid x 100.
1.1.6. Tilgængelighedsprocent
En hostingløsnings tilgængelighedsprocent defineres ved at tage Åbningstid (afsnit 1.1.2.) fratrukket Nedetiden (afsnit 1.1.3.). Tilgængeligheds% = (Åbningstid – Nedetid) / Åbningstid x 100.
1.1.7. Reliability
En hostingløsnings pålidelighed definerer hvor længe en hostingløsning kan udføre den aftale funktionalitet uden afbrydelse og defineres via den Gennemsnitlige tid mellem driftshindringer (GTMD). BDNORDIC har en GTMD på 360 dage.
1.1.8. Retableringstid
Retableringstiden defines how long a hosting solution, the maximum can be put out of operation in the event of a crash or disaster. BDNORDIC using as far as possible, the same supplier for all your hardware, which will always be stored at least one additional device (server, switch, etc.) at the address, for a prompt replacement of the defective parts. It is possible to replace the evs. defective parts immediately. The Mht. special models and technologies, there will be a risk that it can take up to a maximum of 48 hours before a defective part can be home and be replaced.
1.2. Especially for the operation of the servers
BDNORDIC is solely responsible for the operation of the servers and private infrastructure, with less, to another clear and evident from the Customer's agreement. All operating responsibility as additionally desired imposed BDNORDIC shall thereby be clearly stated by a specific agreement.
1.2.1. Operation of the servers include:
- The operation of the hardware and operating system
- Basis operation monitoring of the hardware
- Continuous monitoring of disk usage
- Handling of customer inquiries, which relate to the client's solutions and services
- The start of the debugging within 1 hour from the receipt of the alarm outside of normal opening hours
- Hosting in the data center with redundancy, monitoring, support, primary and secondary backup, cooling system, UPS and fire protection
- The option for the recovery of the lost data as a result of degraded or offline solution (see section 1.3.)
1.2.2. Operation of the servers does not include:
- Various software and licenses that are installed by the customer and not included directly in the hostingaftalen
- Charge/cost associated with program and/or modulopdateringer belonging to the customer or to any third party
- Maintenance, uptime guarantee or support on the applications installed by the customer
- All services which are not specifically mentioned in the associated hosting agreement.
1.2.3. Operating and curation
All services are conducted in dedicated hardware or in isolated virtual entities, thus applikationsprocesser and the data is not mixed/shared with other customers. Kommunikationsflow be treated in a dedicated supplier's network, so that the agreed data and kommunikationsmængde always be to the customer's full disposal.
For dedicated servers as well as for kundelokationer with fixed IP addresses, offers BDNORDIC ApS direct access to the servers via terminalklient/remote desktop. This access will be agreed separately and the customer shall ensure, independently, that solely the customer's authorised users have access.
There can also buy access with terminalklient/remote Desktop via token solution based on the SSL-VPN.
For openings in the firewall to/from the servers must be signed separate firewall form of the customer.
1.2.4. Software licenses
Any software license in connection with the agreement is the customer's expense. Including both the construction and operational cost. All software licenses at any time the customer's property.
It is the customer's duty to comply with the licensforpligtigelser which the software product provides. In connection with the implementation of a solution with the customer's own licenses, the customer must provide installation media and license keys available to the supplier.
If the rented licenses via SPLA (Service Provider License Agreement ), there is only the right to use the programs as long as they are rented.
Upon termination of the agreement, the software must be uninstalled. The customer undertakes to hire a sufficient amount of licences and BDNORDIC reserves the right to, without notice, to adjust the number of leased licenses according to the real consumption. May the hosted solution is not used OEM licenses.
1.3.1 Recovery of data in case of offline solution
In the event of a crash, other reason than offline solutions or, at the request of the Customer, will BDNORDIC have the opportunity to restore the hosting solution's data (and possibly. systems) from the most recent backup. Special wishes to the backup policy for the re-establishment of data of the server solutions specifically in the Customer's hosting agreement.
Hvis en kundes løsning eller service er offline, vil en betalende kunde altid have ret til og mulighed for at generhverve sig de data, der tilhører kunden, og som er placeret i leverandørens datacenter for den pågældende hostede løsning. Dette kan ske ved at kunden møder op på BDNORDICs virksomhedsadresse efter nærmere aftale og imod betaling af et gebyr. Gebyret vil afhænge af timeforbruget, løsningens størrelse og mængden af data – et realistisk eksempel kunne være 3 timer á kr. 1100,- excl. moms, til en samlet pris på kr. 3300,- excl. moms. Herved vil de ønskede data blive klargjort til afhentning på et tidspunkt der aftales indbyrdes mellem kunden og BDNORDIC. For at etablere en aftale omkring afhentning, bedes kunden kontakte leverandørens kundeserviceafdeling.
1.3.2 Transfer of solution / data
I tilfældet at Kunden ønsker overflytning af data til anden udbyder, betales der en særskilt pris. Prisen vil afhænge af timeforbruget, løsningens størrelse og mængden af data – et realistisk eksempel kunne være 3 timer á kr. 1100,- excl. moms til en samlet pris på kr. 3300,- excl. moms.
The price is excl. acquired licenses for the installed solution.
Submissions per. e-mail to be answered, as a rule, only between 08.00 – 21.00 on weekdays and between 08: 00 and 15.00 on Fridays, while a person in charge of the guard will endeavour to respond to all incoming e-mails in 24 hours.
If you choose to terminate its hosting agreement, terminated the SLA agreement automatically.